Friday, September 4, 2009

Electrical Interview Questions for Relay Protection Engineering

  1. There will be always a lot of questions based on your resume. You should know your resume and what all things you have done in your project in a nice manner.
  2. There will be also a lot of cross questioning about the profile you are looking for.
  3. But apart from that, few basic questions might be asked to you:
  4. What factors decide the pick up value of the current, considering distributed system.
  5. What are the time margin for the overcurrent relay.
  6. How are CT's connected on Delta-Star trafo considering you are not using any phase correcting CTs or any interposing CTs.
  7. What are the inputs needed for Breaker Failure relay.
  8. What is Zone 1 setting?
  9. Why it is set to that percentage?
  10. Say, PTR = 1000/1 and CTR = 200/1; what shall be Secondary Impedance.
  11. What sequence current flows through P-G faults?
  12. How does they flow?


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