Friday, August 14, 2009

Installing API Demos/Samples on Android Emulator and features on APIDemo.

  1. If you are running android-1.5, then, you can run samples from both android 1.1 or android 1.5 or both. However to load API demos on emulator I used android 1.1 version.
  2. Hence go to - C:\android-sdk-windows-1.5_r3\platforms\android-1.1\samples
  3. The following samples codes are provided:
  4. ApiDemos, HelloActivity, Home, LunarLander, Notepad, SkeletonApp, Snake.
  5. To load ApiDemos, follow the instruction on Loading Sample Projects from Eclipse to Emulator .
  6. To Run the project go to Run Configurations and
  7. Choose Build Target - Android 1.1.
  8. And then continue exactly as mentioned in the above article.
  9. You can see that lot of applications are provided by APIDemos. Such as App, Content, Graphics, Media, OS, Text, Views.
  10. Following are the views provided: Animation, Auto Complete, Buttons, Chronometer, Controls, Custom, Date Widgets, Expandable Lists, Focus, Gallery, Grid, ImageButton, ImageSwitcher, ImageView, Layout Animation, Layouts, Lists, MapView, MapView and Compass, Progress Bar, Radio Group, Rating Bar, ScrollBars, Seek Bar, Spinner, Tabs, TextSwitcher, Visibility, WebView.

  11. Animations further can have 3D Transition, Push, Shake and they have further categorized. Please click the slide show to see all the views of Animations.

  12. Slideshow of all the Views.

  13. It also have media Player and you can run Media Player or VideoPlayer on it.
  14. Similarly Graphics has a lot of features. Features available on ApiDemo are: AlphaBitmap, AnimateDrawables, Arcs, BitmapDecode, BitmapMesh, CameraPreview, Clipping, ColorMatrix, Compass, CreateBitmap, Drawable, FingerPaint, Layers, MeasureText, OpenGL ES, PathEffects, PathFillTypes, Patterns, Pictures, Points, PolyToPoly, Regions, RoundRects, Scale to Fit, SensorTest, SurfaceViewOverlay, Sweep, TextAlign, Touch Paint, Typefaces, UnicodeChart, Vertices and Xfermodes.
  15. To view some of the features on Graphics, please click the slide show.

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